Isnin, 5 Januari 2009

Copy Survey from Zuliza Pichar! hahaha

1) What is your shoutout? - eeee geget bibir.... hahaha

2) Where is your cell phone? - ado depan aku ni ha... :p

3) How many comments do you have? 1 only! so sad! hahahaa

4) Are you happy today? - yeah.. happy.. banyak keje dpt disiapkan...

5) Someone with the same birthday as you? - no one! x penah jumpa yg sama birthday pon. ade ke yg 4thn sekali? uh......

6) Are you mean? - uh..? sambungan soalan no 5 ke nie??

7) Have you ever sang in front of a large audience? - yeah.. at BB, teman tapi mesra! auu! shit! malu dowh....

8) Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? - NO.

9) Current song you're listening to? - Fauziah Latiff, DIA... uh sedih bangat lagu ni yek?!

10) Is your birthday on a holiday? - nope! FRIDAY!

11) Have you ever been rushed to the emergency room? - nope.

12) Last 3 Persons who texted you. - my fren sham

13) Talk on the phone. - with student Master in IT, Manimaran!

14) Hugged. - bantal pelok la best... lazaatttt!! uh... zzzzz

15) Person you text message - with sham.. nak reply msg kan. hehehe

16) Last song you heard? - Bila diri disayangi, ukays. hahahaha chare x?

17) What are you doing right now? - soalan yg buat aku blurr.. hahaha

18) Tonight. - Malam <-- dlm bahasa melayu :p

19) Wearing. - Baju kurung pink colour!

20) What did you have for lunch? - x lunch pon. makan bubur yang kak rose belikan je.


21) Got any plans? - keje la dol..... masuk kul 8pg-5.30ptg

22) Dislikes about tomorrow. - tak ade lah. ok jerr.... xde yang x suke pon.


23) Thinking about someone. - yeah.. my xbf.... hahaha.. hampeh!

24) Missing someone. - erm.. nope... x miss sape2 pon buat masa ni..... thx.

25) Current mood. - ok-ok jer... mood baik punya tau! ;)

26) Wanting. - nope.. xde yang serba kekurangan....

27) Are you listening to music? - yes. of coz..! love it...

28) Forgive people? - tgk ape jenis kesalahan. aku susah nak maafkan org yg wat taik kat aku ok! take timessss....!!! AWAS!

29) What do your cousins call you? - Wanie....

30) Has anyone ever told you they like you? - of coz.. siapa x kenal aku x suka lah. sape kenal pasti suka! muahahahaa.....

31) Favorite ice-cream? - mcflurry chocolate, mcd.

32) Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? - yea. of coz i believe it... hmmp...

33) Do you fall for people easily? - erm.. maybe... maybe not.. maybe yes. Uh... how huh?? :p

1 ulasan:

zue_amin berkata...

arrghhhh...aku ke tue???hahahaha... =D